Factory New Cartridge

A Factory New Cartridge is a brand new factory turbocharger without new exhaust and compressor housings installed. Since these housings are not "wear parts" we can typically clean and refit them to a new cartridge with a little work and pass on the savings to you.

To take advantage of this option, the first step is to Contact Us and let us know what turbocharger model you have. We will make sure a factory cartridge is available and check on delivery time. If it is available, we will give you a cost based on your being able to submit reusable housings and a good core. If you decide to purchase this option, you can then ship us your turbocharger. Once we receive it we will assemble the unit and ship it back to you ready to go. If for some reason we can't use your housings, we will contact you for instructions before moving forward.

At times remanufactured cartridges are also available. If you are interested in this option, mention it when you contact us.
126 - Index for table './turbo_11/sessions.MYI' is corrupt; try to repair it

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