New Turbochargers

Factory New Turbochargers are the choice for those who what a complete turbocharger ready to put on their engine and don't have the time or inclination for a Remanufactured Turbocharger. They are also a logical choice for those who don't have a turbocharger to turn in for remanufacturing or for a core charge.

New turbochargers are typically the most expensive option, but they can also be the best and most convenient option.

To purchase a Factory New Turbocharger, use the search boxes to the left of the screen to locate your model and model number, then proceed to checkout. You can pay using a credit card or PayPal and once your transaction is complete, we will ship the unit within a few days at most. Since this is a brand new unit, no core is needed and no core charge will be applied. If you have special shipping instructions, you can enter them in the comments box during the checkout process. If for any reason we can't ship your turbocharger in a timely manner, we will contact you for further instructions.
126 - Index for table './turbo_11/sessions.MYI' is corrupt; try to repair it

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